Spreading Liberty
Liberty through the distrust of government by spreading information the government wants suppressed. Justice reform, truth renewal & corruption of government and media exposure. *I will block you on Twitter for replying or retweeting anything like "It's been an hour! where's our rain". I appreciate everyone here, I am not monetizing this in anyway, and I am coming out of pocket to promote messages I believe to be beneficial, and I have always followed through with every rain and offer I have made, I don't ask you to agree with me or respect me or any of this, I just want to be transparent so everyone can be aware. Thank you all!
$6.41K60 BCH
Volume rained
$2.390.02 BCH
Highest rain / member
$0.20<0.01 BCH
Avg. rain / member
Level 53.4M / 100M XP
Active Cashrain
Latest Owner Cashrain
Regular Cashrain• 26s ago•456 receivers
$500.53•4.56 BCHTotal Pot 100%
Total Pot D
$1.10 | <0.01 BCH
$1.10 | <0.01 BCH
$1.10 | <0.01 BCH
by reddmist