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$3.66K15.5 BCH
Volume rained
$4.960.02 BCH
Highest rain / member
$0.68<0.01 BCH
Avg. rain / member
Level 3195.5K / 5M XP
Active Cashrain
Latest Owner Cashrain
Jackpot Cashrain• 57s ago•2157 receivers
$249.97•1.08 BCHTotal Pot 100%
Total Pot $62.49•0.27 BCHJackpot 25%
Jackpot G
$25.00•0.11 BCHSemi-Jackpot 10%
Semi-Jackpot - H@halyna174953778
- C@chocoheart123
- O@oksana77564746
- L@leontin65484243
$162.48•0.7 BCHRemainder (split) 65%
Remainder (split) TX ID: